Have we told you how much we love nominations for #Amplifriday? We do! It’s those heartwarming words from a colleague, a friend, or a community member who takes the time to reach out and nominate someone to be featured in the Amplifriday spotlight. Today, we invite you to get to know James Giles of The Mustard Seed, thanks to a nomination from his colleague Katie Hutchins.
Katie writes: “James creates an environment of love and acceptance everywhere he goes. He is the Community Chaplain at The Mustard Seed Kamloops and has poured an incredible amount of time and energy into everyone around him.
The work he does each day extends beyond the walls of his job. It is a lifestyle. He encourages clients who may be struggling with substance abuse or mental health by sharing his own story or by listening with an open heart and mind. We're so grateful for James!”
We reached out to James, and the man has been busy! As Chaplain, he loves doing Bible studies with people, walking them through how applicable faith, love and goodness can be in their lives. He shares that he loves to serve the community and to give back to a place that helped him get back on his feet after years of active addiction, noting ASK Wellness, Connective (John Howard), Canadian Mental Health Association, and The Mustard Seed as organizations that have played a key role in his journey of recovery.
James shares simply that, “The greatest joy I have is smiling at someone that people normally walk past and asking them, ‘how are you doing? How can I help you? I see you and I care’.”
James – you are a remarkable person of impact. As is our team at Amplify Consulting Inc.’s commitment, we will donate $100 to a charity of your choice to further amplify both your remarkable impact and the charity’s.

Last week, we had the privilege of amplifying James Giles' incredible impact. As part of AmpliFriday, we donate $100 to a charity of choice for our amplified individuals, and James chose the Kamloops Harbour House Women's Shelter.
I believe in its mission. Women can be marginalized and mistreated. I love the idea of them having an anonymous refuge where they can be cared for.
Harbour House, operated by The Mustard Seed, provides a safe and sober space for adult women in need of emergency accommodation. It offers meals, showers, laundry, and wraparound services. The 12-bed shelter gives vulnerable women dignity and hope for the future.
Congratulations again, James, on being amplified; we are happy to make a $100 donation to The Harbour House Women's Shelter in your honour.
Nominate someone remarkable. Link below.
Amplify Consulting Inc. is a company that helps leaders, and their organizations amplify their impact through communications and stakeholder engagement. #Amplifriday is our passion project we started in 2018 to amplify remarkable people of impact to inspire you, honour them, and support local charities. You can join the #Amplifriday movement as a supporter. Reach out for details.