When you think of someone steady, solid, and consistent, who comes to mind? For two people, there is one person who epitomizes these characteristics, and because of how he lives with such good intention, is a blessing both in his work and personal life. Today the #AmpliFriday spotlight shines on JP Baker!
Two people who share why JP, a remarkable person of impact, should be amplified are Danalee and Sian.
His work colleague Sian writes: “I have worked with JP for nearly a decade on numerous projects and benefitted from his knowledge and expertise in the areas of strategic planning and change management. JP is an exceptional facilitator who brings both kindness and humour to his work. He is engaging, inclusive, personable, and patient.”
In his personal life, JP is rock steady, and his wife Danalee writes: “JP is the kindest, most patient, and understanding human. He always seeks to understand and is amazing at building consensus. He is the best dad who plays games with our kids, is the patient homework helper, and the family cook. He is voracious reader - reading 52 books last year, plus he speaks French, Korean, and some Russian.”
Superhuman might be a good descriptor for JP. He works as a strategic planning facilitator and consultant with Vantage Point and his clientele range from Emily Carr University and the Provincial Metis Association to many local non-profits. If you’ve met JP and engaged in a conversation, you feel seen, heard, and valued. He’s a rock-solid individual!
JP – you are a remarkable person of impact! As is our team at Amplify Consulting Inc.’s commitment, we will donate $100 to a charity of your choice to further amplify both your remarkable impact and the charity’s.
Nominate someone remarkable at the bottom of this page.

We were thrilled to amplify the remarkable impact of JP Baker last week. As a part of AmpliFriday, we donate $100 to a charity of choice for our amplified individual, and JP has chosen A Way Home Kamloops.
A Way Home Kamloops is working towards preventing, reducing, and ending youth homelessness in Kamloops and British Columbia. They provide a variety of programs, including; life-skills, employment readiness and peer navigation, to support youth in achieving "adulting" skills.
JP remarked, "A Way Home Kamloops is dedicated to making sure every young person has a place to call home, and the right supports to be well. They are rooted in action and make a real difference in the lives of so many people. "
Congratulations again JP on being amplified; we are thrilled to make a $100 donation to A Way Home Kamloops in your honour.
Amplify Consulting Inc. is a company that helps leaders, and their organizations amplify their impact through communications and stakeholder engagement. #Amplifriday is our passion project we started in 2018 to amplify remarkable people of impact to inspire you, honour them, and support local charities. You can join the #Amplifriday movement as a supporter. Reach out for details.