A new year presents us all with a fresh new start and a blank slate. 2023 ushers in a fresh new look and website for #Amplifriday too! This first Friday of the new year is a perfect time to shine the Amplifriday spotlight on a woman who, not only dramatically switched careers to start fresh in her career life but who takes on each day with optimism and a smile on her face, and that’s the effervescent Nadine Torchia!
Two people who share why Nadine, a remarkable person of impact, should be amplified are Todd and Kimberlee.
Her husband Todd writes: “Nadine has made me a better person simply by being around her for 25 years. She makes everyone feel welcome in her heart, no matter who you are, where you came from or what you’ve done. Good or bad, she’ll always give you the benefit of the doubt."
Kimberlee echoes Todd’s praise and writes: “Nadine is the epitome of warmth and love, and I am incredibly proud to call her a friend. She has a natural tendency to care and believes there is good in all. Her smile lets you know you are loved and if you could get paid by simply being an incredible human, Nadine would be a billionaire! We need more people like Nadine in this world.”
Nadine worked for many years in the hospitality industry before changing careers to work in healthcare, and today works as a porter in the hospital. This means that for many who are nervous being in the hospital and must be transported for surgery or other treatment, Nadine is the porter who offers reassurance simply through her kindness and care. The healthcare industry is blessed to have her, and as her husband and friend share, her network of people she cares about are blessed to know her.
Nadine – you are a remarkable person of impact! As is our team at Amplify Consulting Inc.’s commitment, we will donate $100 to a charity of your choice to further amplify both your remarkable impact and the charity’s.
Nominate someone remarkable at the bottom of this page.

We were thrilled to amplify the remarkable impact of Nadine Torchia last week. As a part of AmpliFriday, we donate $100 to a charity of choice of our amplified individual and Nadine has chosen The Mash Movement’s Go Fund Me page to help families journeying with Duchenne to help beyond the traditional treatments.
The Mash Movement’s work is rooted in bringing agency to the social inequities that exist in the arena of rare disease and disability. Their mission, however, extends beyond this rare disease. They connect communities from East to West, encouraging people to move for those who can’t while building a community that supports each other physically, mentally, and emotionally along the way. They create space for people to live in the MOVEMENT of life.
Nadine remarked: "I would love my $100 Donation to go towards Duchenne in honour of our friend Jude!!!!!!! Duchenne has become near and dear to my heart .”
Congratulations once again Nadine on being amplified and we are thrilled to make a $100 donation to The Mash Movement in your honour.
Amplify Consulting Inc. is a company that helps leaders, and their organizations amplify their impact through communications and stakeholder engagement. #Amplifriday is our passion project to amplify remarkable people of impact to inspire you, honour them, and support local charities. You can join the #Amplifriday movement as a supporter. Reach out for details.