It was July 25, 2022, Stacey, her husband Ken, and their dog Finn were a terrible accident returning home after a hike in Lake Louise. All three suffered injuries, with Finn and Stacey impacted the most.
Finn was hurt badly and almost died but pulled through, and although he can’t use one of his front legs, still loves his ‘around the block’ walks.
Stacey had an open femur fracture on her right thigh and the bones in both her feet were completely shattered. After five surgeries in the last 365 days alone, there’s so much more healing to do, but she is grateful and gritty.
Watch this amazing video produced by RIH Foundation.
I had the opportunity to connect via phone with Stacey and although she mourns not being able to do all she could do in the past, she looks to the future of what she can do, and her focus is on others. She wants to speak to others about her accident, to share her journey, and how there is tremendous hope in life we can uncover, but that it takes work, and a focus on forward movement.
Her husband Ken said it best about her. “She powers through every day like a hero, and I know some days she doesn’t feel like she’s accomplished much or crushed the goals she wants, but she does everyday! What an inspiration. She is determined to get through this and shows us what she’s made of constantly.”
Stacey – you are a remarkable person of impact! As is our team at Amplify Consulting Inc.’s commitment, we will donate $100 to a charity of your choice to further amplify both your remarkable impact and the charity’s.
We were happy to amplify the remarkable impact of Stacey Jyrkkanen last week. As a part of AmpliFriday, we donate $100 to a charity of choice for our amplified individual, and Stacey chose the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation (RIHF).
"RIH played a tremendous role in my long and difficult recovery from the car accident. Folks at the hospital are unsung heroes who do extraordinary work. Despite staff shortages, they show up to give 110% daily. This is my way to give back to the hospital and be there for them as they are there for us 24-7."
RIH serves the Thompson Cariboo Shuswap region, and the RIHF supports the hospital in a variety of ways. It offers RIH staff scholarships toward personal development and aids in retaining and recruiting healthcare professionals. In addition, it ensures the medical team has the tools and training necessary to provide patients with exceptional care by providing essential equipment.
Congratulations again, Stacey, on being amplified; we are proud to support the RIHF by making a $100 donation in your honour.
Nominate someone remarkable at the bottom of this page.
Amplify Consulting Inc. is a company that helps leaders, and their organizations amplify their impact through communications and stakeholder engagement. #Amplifriday is our passion project we started in 2018 to amplify remarkable people of impact to inspire you, honour them, and support local charities. You can join the #Amplifriday movement as a supporter. Reach out for details.